Sunday, September 13, 2009
September 2009
"What's with you? Give me a break already!"
Ginger, on the other hand, has a different attitude. As First Cat, she wants not so much to be left alone as to be accorded her rightful due as queen. This means deference, a trait with which Bessie is not endowed. So Ginger will be stretched out asleep on the window sill, serenely enjoying her sunbathing, and Bessie will stretch up and swat her tail. This does not gain Ginger's favor. Ginger will then stare Bessie down, accompanied when necessary with a deep, alto purr-growl and Bessie will avert her gaze, acknowledging Ginger's supremacy. Except. Ginger will then resume her nap and Bessie will resume the provocation.
In Bessie's defense, it must be noted that she is only two years old and still wants to play. In fact, it is quite obvious that Bessie finds the confines of our house terribly claustrophobic and runs from window to window to follow a squirrel who may be zigzagging through our back yard. "If only," she seems to be thinking. Ah, if only. Domestication is a cruel compromise.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
As Ginger and Bessie have reached a certain understanding, they now tend to coinhabit space more freely: they will sit at Janice's chair (one on each side) or share the bed. Ginger still reminds Bessie that there's only one boss in the house and Bessie continues to let Ginger know that she is a New York City cat and will go where she wants when she wants. Cinnamon, for his part, likes to stay the hell out of the way. All he wants is his bed and fresh-dripping tap water.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Andrew replies
What a great report from the home front.
But it sounds like you're TOTALLY spoiling Bessie.
She never ever saw the surface of a dining table or licked a human ear before she took the GWB to New Jersey!
(You'll be pleased to know that Moshu climbed up on the table today and sent one of our new plates crashing to the floor...)
It's funny because we too had a dinner party on Friday and Moishe (that's his Jewish name) was a huge hit. Everyone was passing him around like a hairy newborn.
Feb 21 2009
As I told you, we had the Rosens, Rotmils and Wadlers over last night for Shabbat dinner – in other words, Daddy's Friday breakfast crew and their wives. We had a very nice evening and – if I may say so myself – the food was very good!
But the real high point of the evening....................Bessie!! Yes, Bessie, our very Bessie. And Very Bessie is what she was. Pre-Bessie, such evenings would be virtually cat-free as Ginger and Cinnamon would remain upstairs of their own volition until the last guest had left, at which point they would come moseying down as usual.
Not so with Miss Bessie. After all, she's (still) an East-Side-Cat, even if she's actually living in the wilds of Teaneck.
Let me backtrack a bit. At one point yesterday afternoon I told Daddy that next time you two are planning one of your own Friday evening dinners, I'm going to offer her to you, because she loves to "help." What do I mean by that? It means she wants to be in on EVERYTHING you're doing! Even to the extent of climbing on the dining-table to check that I had set it properly. I had to make sure that any foodstuffs left out (cake, for example) was covered so that she would not do a taste test. She's actually a cat who will eat ANYTHING, including my breakfast cereal if I were to let her.
So, comes time for us all to sit at the dining-table and who bounces along but,,,,,yup! And not just by me or Daddy. Nope. She made friends with everyone, climbing up on their chairs, putting her head in their laps. And the amazing thing is...........they all loved it!!! She actually capitalizes on the fact that she really does know she's so cute. Even Barry (who doesn't normally care for cats at all) was stroking her under her chin. Of course, Holly, who has three cats of her own, just adored her. She climbed up right behind Harvey and Daddy and I thought she might even (perish the thought!) drape herself around his neck, but she just nuzzled him and he had the biggest grin on his face. She was bouncing all over the place throughout the evening.
I just came upstairs to spend the morning in the recliner, engaging in my favorite activity: reading the weekend NYT and doing Sunday's puzzle. Daddy is at shul (natch) and will be there through lunch as Dennis Klein is the speaker at the Lunch & Learn. This evening we're going with the Kleins and the Fincks to see "Doubt" at the Bergen County Players in Oradell.
When I got to the top of the stairs who do I see? Louie! I see Louie in all kinds of places, on our bed, in the bathroom, on a kitchen chair, in the hallway, in the dining-room, but I NEVER see her carrying him! It's weird.
Bessie has just moseyed in and said to say "hello" to you guys. And that she doesn't miss you – no offense.
It's actually quite quiet here at the moment. A lull between hostilities. Not hostilities, really, just that everyone is always looking out for who may be behind them: Cinnamon – who's always being chased by Bessie (although they're really good buddies and nuzzle each other a lot and share the same bed (ours!) for naps; Ginger, who has not-so-latent aggression towards Bessie, but who has come a long way and they actually can sit quite close to each other in the kitchen while I'm there (remember I always said I would break my neck because Max always sat right behind me when I was at the sink - now it's because one or/and the other are right behind me when I'm there!). They also will both be in the sinks when I'm in the bathroom (I have to haul Bessie out of one of them so that I can do my teeth), just laying there looking at each other and relaxing. Then Bessie is wary of Ginger having a go at her, so that I often end up yelling at Ginger, feeling that Bessie is being disadvantaged, only to see Bessie turn around and provoke Ginger!
Then there are the periods of "thumping around" as I call it, when any or all of the parties are having a go at each other. Cinnamon usually bows out first, diving for the guest-room bed to leave all the hysteria to the females. It's not so bad, except when Bessie and one or other of the oldsters decides to thump right across me, usually as I'm just about to drop asleep. "Knock it off!" is a much-used phrase in our house.
Bessie is very quiet, vocally, except when she wants to go down to the basement and the door is closed. Especially if either Norman or I are already down there and have not let her join us. Then she comes out with this very high-pitched meow that she will keep up, together with thumping against the door in case we didn't get the message, until we (meaning me) open the door and let her down there. Which Daddy upbraids me for constantly, but honestly, she just likes to check stuff out, make sure the house is in total good order and then she moseys up again.
Okay, guess that's enough about her for one day. You'd think we actually LIKE that cat!
Mwah to you both!